Lyrics distribution for Google, Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram Stories

  • Fanwork / Independent Works

I have taken the test and hold the "Lyrics Curator" certification, which is given to those who are deemed to have produced lyrics in accordance with Musixmatch's lyrics transcription standards, and I transcribe lyrics mainly for VTuber's original songs. Please note that this activity is done on a personal, non-profit basis.

In September 2022, I was certified as a "Curator Specialist (Japansese)" to administer Japanese lyrics in Musixmatch. I am the sixth Japanese speaker to hold this certification.

These lyrics are distributed to over 2.5 billion users of prominent platforms with which Musixmatch partners, enhancing the music experience.

  • Google Search Results
  • Spotify (Outside Japan)
  • Apple Music
  • Shazam
  • Amazon Music
  • YouTube Music
  • Instagram Stories etc.

Learn more about partnership with Musixmatch

A list of my works can be found below.

Lyrics submitted to Musixmatch